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Is Getting Expensive SEO Consulting the Easiest Method to Traffic? WRONG!

Finally.. A quick and affordable way to grow your business.

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Is Getting Expensive SEO Consulting the Easiest Method to Traffic? WRONG!

Finally.. A quick and affordable
way to grow your business.

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finalist australian design awards white
andrew kelly seo consultant lg

As a finalist in the Australian Design Award and in various publications my SEO consultancy company has provided competitive prices with measured results. I personally work one on one with my clients to optimise results giving key ingredients to help get your website to the top of Google. My brand experience includes Monash university, Silvertop Taxi, Mercedes Benz and True Value Solar which I was the digital marketing manager. I am accessible, reliable and genuinely care for your business, if your business needs a kickstart with some nice graphic design, web design or SEO, get in touch today.

On-Page Optimisation: SEO Tips to Optimise Your Web Pages

On-page optimisation is one of the most important elements of successful SEO. With careful attention to detail, you can optimise all your web pages with profitable keywords. Let’s find out what steps you need to take for better on-page optimisation.

Keyword Research

Your marketing starts with keyword research. There are powerful tools that give you volumes of data on keywords. This will help you discover how many people are searching for keywords relevant to your business. These tools can also find where they are searching from.

Once you have a list of profitable keywords you can optimise your web pages one page at a time. It’s a good idea to optimise a single page for two to five closely related keywords. SEO Tips for Optimizing Your Website's Web Pages

Use of Keywords within the Page

Successful on page optimisation is about placing the keywords at the right places in the page. We recommend using keywords in the following places:

Title First Sentence of Content All Headings and Tags Last Paragraph

Clean HTML for On-Page Optimisation

Clean, clutter-free coding is important for every page in your website. With flawed coding, search bots will give preference to elements like text/links in the side bar, instead of the main content. This one takes some knowledge of html, php and CSS.

In bad html coding the contents of side bar appear towards the top of the page’s html. Google bot thinks you give preference to contents of the side bar over the main column. It takes only a little bit of CSS tweaking to bring content to the top without affecting the appearance of the page.

It is also important to separate the background coding from the content. Placing the CSS style sheet or PHP codes in a different text file keeps the html simple and clutter free. This also benefits on page optimisation.

Keyword Density

In the past, SEO people thought 5% keyword density is necessary for SEO purposes. However, today search engine bots don’t need you to stuff keywords into your pages. A keyword density of 1-2% is good enough. Just make sure the keyword appears as the first two or three words of the headings, in the first and last sentences of the main content and in bold/anchor tag at least once within the content.

Using keywords in different places like images and in the meta tags gives the search engine bots the intelligence to identify which keywords are most relevant. Over use of keywords will be deemed keyword stuffing and may result in your website being punished in rankings.

Adding XML Site Maps

An XML site map is the most powerful weapon in the hands of an SEO expert. XML does nothing except labelling every element of the pages. The advantage is a single XML file can contain the whole data or content of your entire website. Google can index your website in a breeze. This is what gives xml site maps its power.

You can also add a static html site map. Your site’s visitors can easily find the links they want. Search engines also can use the site map to locate the several different pages of your website. However, they are not as powerful as xml.

Fresh is Content is Key to Success : eeping the above points in mind, adding engaging content to your website every week can do wonders for your rankings. If possible add content once every day. This will force Google and other search engine bots to visit your website frequently to feed on the fresh content. The best way to achieve this is by publishing the content in a blog. A blog by its design has the advantages of xml feeds and xml sitemaps.

Advantages of On-Page Optimisation

Optimising your pages can help your (AdWords) ads get high quality score. That is, when you bid for the keywords you optimised the pages for your ad gets quality score of six and seven almost instantly. It means you get cheaper PPC clicks because of your on-page optimisation. On-Page Optimisation's Drawbacks

Limitations of On-Page Optimisation

It may take some time before you can see the results, especially in case of highly competitive keywords. Several hundreds of businesses will be optimising their web sites for the same keywords you target.

You need to implement off site optimisation strategies to fully benefit from on page SEO. That is, you will still need to implement strategies like link building and article marketing for on page factors to come to full fruition.

Optimise Your Web Pages with Profitable Keywords, Starting Today

Implementing these techniques can take time and effort and your website designer may not even understand what it takes for on-page optimisation. If you have a website that has poorly optimised pages and formatting, you need professional help.

Find out how we can help you implement the best keyword research and on page optimisation strategies to turn your websites even more profitable. SEO Consulting offers reliable consultancy and supporting services for search engine optimisation for almost all kinds of businesses.