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Is Getting Expensive SEO Consulting the Easiest Method to Traffic? WRONG!

Finally.. A quick and affordable way to grow your business.

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Is Getting Expensive SEO Consulting the Easiest Method to Traffic? WRONG!

Finally.. A quick and affordable
way to grow your business.

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finalist australian design awards white
andrew kelly seo consultant lg

As a finalist in the Australian Design Award and in various publications my SEO consultancy company has provided competitive prices with measured results. I personally work one on one with my clients to optimise results giving key ingredients to help get your website to the top of Google. My brand experience includes Monash university, Silvertop Taxi, Mercedes Benz and True Value Solar which I was the digital marketing manager. I am accessible, reliable and genuinely care for your business, if your business needs a kickstart with some nice graphic design, web design or SEO, get in touch today.

Tips for Creating SEO-Friendly URLs

Creating SEO-friendly URLs is a crucial part of any successful search engine optimization strategy. URLs are one of the key factors that search engines consider when determining the relevance and authority of a webpage. An SEO-friendly URL structure helps search engines crawl and index your website more efficiently, making it easier for your target audience to find you online. In this article, we will discuss some tips for creating SEO-friendly URLs that can help improve your website’s search engine rankings.

1. Keep Your URLs Simple and Descriptive

The first tip for creating SEO-friendly URLs is to keep them simple and descriptive. A good URL should clearly and concisely describe the content of the page it represents. Avoid using long and complex URLs that contain unnecessary parameters or special characters. Instead, use simple and easy-to-read URLs that accurately reflect the content of the page.

For example, consider the following two URLs:

Bad URL:

Good URL:

The first URL is a typical example of a bad URL that does not describe the content of the page it represents. The second URL, on the other hand, is a good URL that accurately describes the content of the page.

2. Use Hyphens to Separate Words

Another important tip for creating SEO-friendly URLs is to use hyphens to separate words in the URL. Hyphens are the preferred separator for URLs as they are easy to read and understand. They also help search engines identify the individual words in the URL, making it easier for them to index your website.

For example, consider the following two URLs:

Bad URL:

Good URL:

The first URL uses underscores to separate the words in the URL, which can make it difficult to read and understand. The second URL uses hyphens, which makes it easier to read and understand, both for search engines and users.

3. Use Lowercase Letters

When creating URLs, it’s important to use lowercase letters. URLs are case sensitive, so using uppercase letters can cause issues with duplicate content, as search engines may treat the URLs as separate pages. To avoid this issue, it’s best to use lowercase letters throughout your URL structure.

For example, consider the following two URLs:

Bad URL:

Good URL:

The first URL uses uppercase letters, which can cause issues with duplicate content. The second URL uses lowercase letters, which avoids this issue and also makes the URL more readable and user-friendly.

4. Keep URLs Short and Sweet

When it comes to creating SEO-friendly URLs, it’s also important to keep them short and sweet. Shorter URLs are easier to read and understand, both for search engines and users. They also tend to perform better in search engine results pages (SERPs), as they are more likely to be clicked on by users.