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Is Getting Expensive SEO Consulting the Easiest Method to Traffic? WRONG!

Finally.. A quick and affordable way to grow your business.

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Is Getting Expensive SEO Consulting the Easiest Method to Traffic? WRONG!

Finally.. A quick and affordable
way to grow your business.

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finalist australian design awards white
andrew kelly seo consultant lg

As a finalist in the Australian Design Award and in various publications my SEO consultancy company has provided competitive prices with measured results. I personally work one on one with my clients to optimise results giving key ingredients to help get your website to the top of Google. My brand experience includes Monash university, Silvertop Taxi, Mercedes Benz and True Value Solar which I was the digital marketing manager. I am accessible, reliable and genuinely care for your business, if your business needs a kickstart with some nice graphic design, web design or SEO, get in touch today.

Understanding Google's Algorithm Updates and Their Impact on SEO

Google’s algorithm updates can have a significant impact on a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. While the exact nature of these updates is not always transparent, understanding them is crucial for businesses to maintain their search rankings and visibility. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of algorithm updates Google has released over the years and the impact they have had on SEO.

What are Google’s algorithm updates?

Google’s algorithm is a complex system used to determine the relevance and quality of web pages in relation to specific search queries. The algorithm uses a range of signals to determine a website’s ranking position on the search engine results pages (SERPs). However, Google regularly updates its algorithm to improve its ability to deliver the best results for users.

These updates can be categorized into two main types:

  • Core updates: These updates are significant changes to the algorithm that can have a broad impact on search results. Google releases several core updates per year, and they are designed to ensure that the search results remain relevant and of high quality.
  • Minor updates: These updates are smaller changes to the algorithm that may not have as significant an impact as core updates. However, they can still affect specific search rankings and should not be ignored.

The impact of algorithm updates on SEO

Algorithm updates can have a significant impact on a website’s SEO efforts, particularly if the updates are broad in scope. Websites that rely on tactics such as keyword stuffing, link schemes, or other spammy practices may see a drop in their rankings after a core update. On the other hand, websites that prioritize high-quality content, user experience, and natural link building are likely to see a boost in their rankings.

It’s worth noting that not all algorithm updates will impact a website’s rankings. Minor updates may only affect a small percentage of search results or may not affect rankings at all. However, it’s always important to monitor any changes in rankings or organic traffic to identify potential issues that may be caused by an algorithm update.

How to stay on top of algorithm updates

Google releases several updates per year, so it’s crucial to stay informed about any changes to the algorithm. Here are some ways to stay on top of algorithm updates:

  • Monitor your rankings: Regularly monitoring your rankings and organic traffic can help identify any significant changes that may be due to an algorithm update.
  • Read industry blogs: Many industry blogs and websites regularly report on any algorithm updates and their potential impact on SEO.
  • Follow Google’s official channels: Google often announces significant algorithm updates on its official channels, such as the Google Search Central Blog or the Google Search Liaison Twitter account.
  • Focus on high-quality content: Focusing on creating high-quality content that meets user needs and is valuable and informative is one of the best ways to stay ahead of algorithm updates. This approach ensures that your website remains relevant and valuable to users, regardless of any updates to the algorithm.


Google’s algorithm updates can have a significant impact on a website’s SEO efforts. Understanding the different types of updates and their potential impact is crucial for businesses to maintain their search rankings and visibility. By staying informed about algorithm updates, monitoring rankings and organic traffic.